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Legal Notice

Legal Notice

The company DEBEAUX TRANSIT, Société par Actions Simplifiée with a capital of 632 340.00 euros, is registered with the R.C.S of Pontoise under the number 327 887 345 and the VAT identification number is FR82327887345. Its head office is located Avenue de la Demi Lune in Roissy-en-France (95700), PARIS.

This Company is represented by Pascal Desmet, Chairman and CEO.

Director of publication: Fanny DESMET
Creation of the site: DESLOG

Host name: DESLOG GROUP – Head Office: 11, Route de Coudekerque, 59229 TETEGHEM.

The purpose of these terms and conditions of use of the DEBEAUX TRANSIT website, hereinafter referred to as the «Site», is to define the terms and conditions of use of the Site by the user. Is a user any person who connects to a page of the Site or who navigates on the Site.

Changes to the terms of use may be implemented at any time by DESLOG, without notice. The modified conditions of use come into force as of their publication online.

The user is deemed to have accepted them simply by using the Site.

This Site contains information provided by external companies or hypertext links to other sites that have not been developed by the customer for this site. The content made available on the site is provided for informational purposes.

The existence of a link from this Site to another site does not constitute a validation of this site or its content. The responsibility of the owner cannot be engaged because of information, opinions and recommendations made by third parties. The hypertext links set up within the framework of the website towards other resources present on the Internet network, and in particular towards its partners have been the subject of an express and written prior authorization.

Users who visit the website may not set up a hyperlink to these sites without the express prior authorization of the operator of the Website.

The contents, in particular the texts, drawings, illustrations and iconographies, which appear on the Site are protected by intellectual property law and are the exclusive property of DEBEAUX TRANSIT and/or its subsidiaries where applicable.

The user of the DEBEAUX TRANSIT Site undertakes in particular not to download, store, use, reproduce, sell, represent, disseminate, adapt or borrow content of services protected by intellectual property law, directly or indirectly, on any medium, by any means and in any form whatsoever, without the express authorization of DEBEAUX TRANSIT and/or its subsidiaries. Failure to respect this commitment would constitute for the user an infringement sanctioned by articles L.335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property.

DEBEAUX TRANSIT is also the owner of the “database producers’ rights” referred to in Book III, Title IV, of the Intellectual Property Code (Law no. 98-536 of 1 July 1998) relating to copyright and databases.

As such, the development of this Site required the use of external sources whose rights we have acquired or whose rights of use are open:

  • Photographs with right of exploitation on the image
  • Royalty-free visuals

This site was designed and developed by GROUPE DESLOG located in Téteghem.

It uses Word Press with the Transit ProVersion: pro 1.0 theme created by AlexaThemes

DESLOG remains at your disposal for all your comments or suggestions. You can email us at: contact@groupe-deslog.com
